Learn A Skill That Will Last A Lifetime! Of all bodywork modalities, Bowenwork is perhaps one of the gentlest on the practitioner as well as one … Learn more...
Dynamic Bowen Sessions
Bowenwork is gentle on the body, effective and appropriate for anyone to receive, including newborns, highly trained athletes, pregnant women … BW can help these conditions...
Dynamic Bowen- the alternative to alternative therapies!
In July 2007 I was introduced to Bowen -an Australian soft tissue manual therapy. When I first heard about Bowen therapy I was extremely disinterested in hearing about another healing therapy. After studying and experiencing many alternative healing therapies I kept running into the same problem; the therapies only seemed to take me so far in my recovery and I was always cycling through the same old stuff. It took my girlfriend three times to convince me to try Bowen work. I finally heard her when she said ” Dena, its your last name! You have to try it!” It was only then that my ears were finally opened and I made an appointment.
Dynamic Bowen 4Kids
Research on children's health has shown that children are just as susceptible to the same effects of stress as adults. Bowenwork helps children … Read More...
Dynamic Bowen In The News
This segment about a Kansas Bowen practitioner explains Bowenwork nicely. Click the video to watch.
Wellness In Your Hands
American Bowen Academy Presents an Introductory Class for Everyone Called... "Wellness in Your Hands" This four hour class is designed to … Learn More...