In 2021 Dena Bowen became an Independent Dynamic Bowen Instructor, and is now teaching Dynamic Bowen Master Classes. Dena Bowen was an instructor with the American Bowen Academy for 7 years and continues to teach beginning Dynamic Bowen classes Level 1-6 for certification, and teaches advanced and Master Classes.
New Master Class Now Available in 2021
“Bowen Unlocked”
“And if you have come this far and you have yearned to come a little further…”
This class is a Masters Class that is open to all Bowen Specialist’s practicing Bowen. No matter what school you learned Bowen from – there is always more to learn and everyone is invited. You learned from the best. Now learn the rest.
In this class you will learn:
“New Accessory Moves” that will enhance your already acquired Bowen skills.
- Learn to understand your client’s injuries, pain and tissue tension.
- Learn new hand skills and touch perception.
- Learn active and passive muscle positions, and advanced release techniques.
- You will never do the same set of moves again as each client is unique.
- Unlock your potential and take your clients further – have a successful practice with referrals and repeat business.
- Gain confidence with your results.
Dena Bowen – Dynamic Bowen Instructor
For more information on the class email:
Dena Bowen is now teaching the Master Class “Bowen Unlocked 2.0” in Brighton Michigan. For new students there is the Dynamic Bowen Class series 1 – 6 available and advanced Bowen classes. There is an introductory class “Dynamic Bowen Introductory Class 1.0” available to the inquiring minds, and also can be used to earn CEU credits. “Teaching is a great way to share what I have learned with my students, and I am enjoying sharing the my knowledge and the advanced skill of Dynamic Bowen.
Dynamic Bowen is a unique form of bodywork, and the difference between Bowen and many other touch modalities is the that Bowen is applied with very specific moves on very specific places on the body. This bodywork therapy is easy on the practitioners hands and is beneficial for the client. It is a win win situation for everyone. Dynamic Classes 1-6 is the core training in which you learn many different procedures for many different acute and chronic conditions.
Dynamic Bowen Introductory Class 1.0 is a great opportunity to learn the fundamental basic moves that can provide immediate benefit to anyone. This class is offered for beginners and for people who want to try the class out to see if it works for them.
When I learned Dynamic Bowen I realized that I had a valuable skill to immediately help others. It is very fulfilling to be able to help another human being, and I have had the opportunity to do Dynamic Bowen on people in sometimes the strangest places. I have done Bowen on air planes, airports. family gatherings, grocery stores, Costco, my mail carrier, plumber, dish washer repair technician & Fed Ex driver etc… Everywhere you look people are just trying to get through their days coping with their pain. I try to tell as many people as possible that relief can be just a touch away, and I do just a few moves to show them the relaxation response that starts to happen immediately.”
How I was introduced to Bowen
In July 2007 I was introduced to Bowen therapy- an Australian soft tissue manual therapy. When I first heard about Bowen I was extremely disinterested in hearing about another healing therapy. After studying and experiencing many alternative healing therapies I kept running into the same problem; the therapies only seemed to take me so far in my recovery and I was always cycling through the same old stuff. It took my girlfriend three times to convince me to try Bowen. I finally heard her when she said ” Dena, its your last name! You have to try it!” It was only then that my ears were finally opened and I made an appointment.
Dynamic Bowen is very different than other therapies. You don’t have to get undressed and the touch is so gentle that I had to wonder if it would work on my extremely tight and stressed body. My Bowen body specialist applied a protocol of gentle moves and then would leave the room. I wondered how she knew that every place she touched was painful and sore. In just a few minutes I felt my body softening and begin to relax. I could feel movement in my lower body as my body began making adjustments. Suddenly a surge of energy moved up my right leg and into my right hip and up through my lower back. What was interesting about my first experience with Bowen is that I now know that Bowen therapy released a fascia restriction that was in my sacrum area. I was on a first name basis with this pain, and it would come and go depending on my stress level. I really didn’t think about it much until it would start hurting, and then I would try all my usual treatments- chiropractic care, massage therapy, heat or pain medication. This was something that I thought was just the natural pain of aging, and would be with me for the rest of my life.
After I was finished with my first session I got off the table I was surprised at how light I felt and I asked “What did you do to me, how did you do it, and where can I learn it?” I knew at that moment that this soft tissue therapy was very valuable and I was intrigued. After several sessions I began to notice that Dynamic Bowen body work not only helped on my physical level, but also on a personal level. I have since learned that Bowen therapy goes straight into the nervous system and begins to heal from the inside out. I felt a significant change as I was freed from stress. This was new for me and I began to be more creative and happier.
Bowen Touch Pain Relief Therapy
In 2008 I received my training and became a Certified Bowenwork Practitioner. I then created a company called Bowen Touch Pain Relief Therapy, and since then have been applying the Dynamic Bowen protocol to newborn infants, children, teenagers, adults and the elderly. I work with hardworking men and women and trained athletes. My work is exciting and fulfilling, and has taken me down many paths. My excitement comes from knowing that I can really help people recover and reclaim the quality of their lives.