After a trip and fall down the stairs, all the traditional medication, two months off work and six months of physical therapy I was still suffering from a pain that I can only describe as a deep pain in my left hip area. I could not go up and downstairs easily and trying to sit at my desk and work was nearly impossible for an eight hour day. I tried massage other therapies, but within a day or two I was right back in my pain drama. A friend recommended Bowenwork but I didn’t believe it could help me. After the first session I was skeptical because the moves were so gentle. Dena encouraged me to have at least 3 sessions before I made up my mind and to give Bowenwork a chance to do its work. After the second visit when I woke up the next morning my pain level was down, but what I noticed the most was that my mind was clear. I have had more Bowenwork sessions since then and have become a big fan of Bowenwork. My whole family now sees Dena just to feel better. Thank you Tom Bowen and thank you Dena.