The first time I had a Bowen Treatment by Dena, I had no idea what to expect. I thought I was in for a massage, but it was very a subtle pushing and rolling of bodyparts, hardly noticeable, with a lot of breaks. I came in on a referral, having sciatic issues, I was tired, stressed. So I did not think this “poking” would do anything – but I was so wrong: a few hours after the treatment, I was full of energy, and it did last for a week! My sciatic pain was gone and has since not come back. The next treatment was very different, I felt the urge to move right away, and left to remain energetic for a long while. Meanwhile I had also Bowen Treatments on my 7 and 5 year old children, and I was amazed to see them so relaxed afterwards.
I believe that Bowen might be underrated because it might not feel like anything during the treatment. But the effects I experienced after the treatments were major. One time more dramatic and noticeable, the next subtle and in the background, yet very effective and long lasting for my energy level.
Dena is a healer and her tools are her hands and vast knowledge of connected tissues. I can’t wait to get back on that table!